About the DPN
DirectBusinessNumber (DPN) is one of the privacy-protection initiatives, confirming European privacy standards and serving you, the user, with a system that protects your (mobile) numbers from abuse by various marketeers or other onwanted contacts while giving you an opportunity to interact with them.
We are starting with this service in The Netherlands (service geo-fencing is determined by the blocks of numbers we’re able to assign at the moment), and is planned to grow to various European countries in the near future.
DPN doesn’t ask for subscription/membership fees. Instead it only charges a small premium on incoming calls to the parties wishing to contact you.
DPN can be used with our web-app or installable app, as well as simply by utilizing the public DPN dial-in and dial-out numbers. You can check usage details on How to use page.
Direct Private Number
Achterwerf 305, 1357DD Almere
KvK nummer (NL Chamber of Commerce no.): 52947580
BTW nummer (NL VAT no.): 8506.78.961.B.01
Contact us today
Best way to reach us is to use the contact-form below. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.